
Garage Door Repair & Installation Services In Tacoma WA & Surrounding Areas

Elite® Garage Door
Repair & Installation Services
In Waller WA

At Elite Garage Door Repair, we have repaired and installed garage doors for over a decade. Today, we are one of the most reputed garage door repair specialists in the industry. Whether you need a specific problem with the garage door fixed or Need it To Be Maintained, our team is just one call away.

Garage Door Drums and Parts - Elite Garage Door
Garage Door Cabels and Parts - Elite Garage Door

Garage Door Spring Repair & Replacement Just One Call Away

Let’s face it, after a while; all garage doors start giving trouble. Sure, more expensive garage doors can last longer without maintenance and subsequent repairs, but that’s pushing your luck. As a rule of thumb, you should invest in quality garage door repair and, if needed, timely replacement.

That’s where we come in. Our team can inspect your existing garage door to identify issues then address them before they become worse. If we think it makes more sense to replace the garage door, we will recommend that you get it done.


Quick and Professional Garage Door Opener Repair & Installation

The garage door opener is responsible for raising and lowering the garage door multiple times a day. Your typical garage door weighs several hundred pounds; you can imagine the load the opener is under. It is also why the garage door opener is the first to fail.

Regardless, our team can address just about any issue with the opener using the latest tools and best quality OEM parts.

Garage-Door-Belt-Drive-Opener-•-Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma
Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma

Waller Garage Door Repair – Service That You Can Trust!

At Waller, we have earned a reputation for always being there when our clients need us. Whether your Garage Door is Making Weird Noises, or if you think it may need to be inspected, feel free to call us.

Our team of technicians will be more than happy to inspect and provide you with a quote for any repairs needed. If parts need to be replaced, you can be assured that we use only the best that money can buy, ensuring years of service life.

Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair Of Tacoma Main Logo Company Elite Garage Door Repair Of Waller
WA License: #ELITEGD8339J
Main Office: Waller, Pierce County WA 98371
Google Maps
Phone Number: (253)444-0146
Social: Twitter | G Plus
Hours: Sun-Fri 06:30AM-11:30PM
Price Range: $79 - $1500
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