
Garage Door Repair & Installation Services In Tacoma WA & Surrounding Areas

Elite® Garage Door
Repair & Installation Services
In Summit WA

Your garage door is one of the largest most essential appliances in your home. Many people fail to realize how vital the garage door is to their lives until it breaks down. In most cases, garage doors break down because they aren’t taken care of.

Homeowners neglect to hire a professional to examine and Maintain Their Garage Door, which means it becomes a victim of excessive wear until it breaks down. Usually, that’s also when getting it repaired will cost a lot of money. Fortunately, our team is just one call away and ready to help!

Garage Door Drums and Parts - Elite Garage Door
Garage Door Cabels and Parts - Elite Garage Door

We Ensure That Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

Over the years, we have repaired hundreds of garage doors across Summit, WA. During this time, we’ve repaired the latest sensor-driven garage doors, automatic garage doors, and even a few old-school mechanical ones.

We’ve delivered a service that has motivated our clients to refer our services to friends and family in each instance. That’s why the bulk of our business continues to come through referrals from across the city. In other words, we assure you of a great job!


Quick and Professional Garage Door Opener Repair & Installation

When a garage door opener is Installed and Repaired Correctly, it can last for years. That’s why it makes sense to invest in professional installation, inspection, and repairs.

At Elite Garage Door, we don’t just repair garage door openers but make sure that they continue to perform optimally for years to come, consequently saving you both time and money.

Garage-Door-Belt-Drive-Opener-•-Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma
Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma

Trust Us to Deliver Quality Spring Repair & Installation Services!

The garage door springs are a prevalent point of failure. However, you need the right tools and experience to replace the springs since the average door weighs several hundred pounds.

That’s why if your garage door’s springs need to be repaired or the existing ones examined, give us a call, and our technicians will take care of it in the best possible way.

Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair Of Tacoma Main Logo Company Elite Garage Door Repair Of Summit
WA License: #ELITEGD8339J
Main Office: Summit, Pierce County WA 98371
Google Maps
Phone Number: (253)444-0146
Social: Twitter | G Plus
Hours: Sun-Fri 06:30AM-11:30PM
Price Range: $79 - $1500
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