
Garage Door Repair & Installation Services In Tacoma WA & Surrounding Areas

Elite® Garage Door
Repair & Installation Services
In Midland WA

Most of us grow up taking our garage doors for granted. One of the reasons is that they are built so well that you forget that these nearly thousand-pound machines can break down. The fact is that at the end of the day, they are machines, and if they don’t receive timely maintenance, the chances of them breaking down increase.

That’s why it is imperative for homeowners, in particular, to invest in annual Garage Door Inspections and Maintenance. If the inspection spots issues, those should be addressed right away.

Garage Door Drums and Parts - Elite Garage Door
Garage Door Cabels and Parts - Elite Garage Door

We Ensure That Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

We work hard to make sure that our clients are always more than happy with the work we do. Not only have we employed the most experienced and talented Garage Door Technicians, but they are equipped with the best tools and OEM parts.

All of this ensures that they are ready and capable of tackling any garage door issue. Furthermore, our team will advise if a particular problem is worth repairing or if it would instead be better to replace the garage door.


Midland Garage Door Repair – Service That You Can Trust!

Our entire business model is based on taking care of our clients. We quote reasonable prices and use the best parts that money can buy. In addition, we advise our clients on how to move forward with certain types of repairs.

For instance, if we think that a garage door should be replaced instead of spending on repairs, that is what our client will be told. However, the final decision is still yours.

Garage-Door-Belt-Drive-Opener-•-Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma
Elite Garage Door Repair Of Tacoma

Family Owned and Professionally Trained

Ours is a family-owned and operated service with a team of well-trained professionals.

We work with home and business owners to ensure that their garage doors perform optimally. In addition, our team is always available for anyone who needs advice or a quote for their garage door.

Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair Of Tacoma Main Logo Company Elite Garage Door Repair Of Midland
WA License: #ELITEGD8339J
Main Office: Midland, Pierce County WA 98404
Google Maps
Phone Number: (253)444-0146
Social: Twitter | G Plus
Hours: Sun-Fri 06:30AM-11:30PM
Price Range: $79 - $1500
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